Academic Advising Unit

Unit Head Information
Unit Tasks
  • Develop a plan to welcome new students, including an open day attended by the Dean of the College, Vice Deans, Department Heads, the College Registrar, the Administration Manager, and any interested faculty and staff members. This event will clarify the students' rights and responsibilities, explain the educational process regulations, and outline the academic plans for each department.
  • Assign academic advisors to students from the faculty members or equivalent positions in the college at the beginning of the semester, right after the course registration process is finalized.
  • Handle all academic advising processes by following clear, simple procedures that are approved by the authority, using all available communication channels.
  • Review excuses submitted by students regarding absence from lectures or exams in accordance with the applicable regulations and approved procedures.
  • Provide necessary financial, psychological, and moral support for students with special needs.
  • Study the situations of struggling students and offer appropriate solutions to help them overcome their challenges.
  • Review all matters referred to the committee by the Dean of the College or the Vice Dean for Educational and Academic Affairs and submit suitable proposals or make appropriate decisions within the granted or delegated authority in writing.