Committee Head Information
Committee Head:
Dr. Mostafa Abdelmohimen Hussien
Office No:
Committee Tasks
- Develop a plan to receive new students in which an open day is set for new students
- Identify academic advisors for students from faculty members and those in their position at the college at the beginning of the semester.
- Process all academic advising operations
- Consider the excuses provided by students for missing lectures or exams in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws, and according to the approved procedures.
- Provide the necessary financial, psychological and moral support to students with special needs.
- Study the situations of struggling students and provide appropriate solutions to overcome the situation they have reached.
- Coordinate with the Deanship of Student Affairs in everything related to student activities.
- Develop a plan for all student activities, artistic, sports, cultural, scientific and recreational, to be done inside the college.
- Encourage student initiatives, provide appropriate support for them, sponsor them, and implement them in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- Evaluate all student activities and submit appropriate proposals to improve them continuously.
- Nominating outstanding students to the councils and committees in which students are entitled to participate in the membership of the college.
- Nominating talented and pioneering students in the arts, sports and sciences to the competent authorities for the awards that are granted inside or outside the college, through official communication channels.
- Studying everything referred by the Dean of the College or the Vice Dean for Educational and Academic Affairs to the committee