Undergraduate Program

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been blessed by vast natural resources and these resources have been utilized for the progress of the country and welfare of its people. The proper utilization of these natural resources led to the opening of Chemical Engineering under College of Engineering (COE) at King Khalid University (KKU). The Chemical Engineering Department was established in year 2007 in Abha, with the objective of graduating students having expertise in all the aspects of Chemical Engineering. During the first year of its inception, Chemical Engineering Department was run under the Chairmanship of Mechanical Engineering Department and after one year from 2008, Department started its proper functioning under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Mohammed Al-Shannag as first Chairman of Chemical Engineering Department. At present, Chemical Engineering Department consists of 20 academic staff and around 300 students among its five year program. At present, Dr. Basem Al Alwan is the chairman of the chemical Engineering Department. The department is developing day by day. The department has got AICHE student chapter started in the year 2021. The faculty member from the department is serving as Editor in chief and associate editor in the scientific journal published by Emerald UK. The faculty members are engaged in research collaborations with national and international universities. Recently, one of our faculty member has bagged prestigious UK- Saudi challenge fund for an innovative research. The department has revised its curriculum plan and a new plan has been approved by the department council. The new plan is devised based on the expanding chemical engineering market prospective and the vision 2030 of the kingdom. Currently, both old and new plan is running in the department. The department has started the Master in Chemical Engineering Program from the year 2020. At present, this program is running as thesis and non-thesis based. The number of faculty members has increased from 16 (previous cycle) to 20 at present. The number of students was 327 in the year 2016 (previous cycle) at present it is 314. Faculties in the department has been awarded with various awards such as research excellence, etc.

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To achieve excellence, recognition, and leadership in education, research, training, and consultancy in Chemical Engineering for fostering the development of the society.


To bring out highly qualified, innovative, research capability and health, safety, and environment-conscious chemical engineers as well as to furnish an excellent academic and research environment for its staff to engage in research, innovations, consulting, and community services.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Utilize knowledge of Chemical Engineering to successfully work in the diversified sector of Chemical Engineering.

2. Make use of technical expertise, design and innovative skills to accomplish advanced studies and follow research work proficiently. 

3. Take advantage of various attributes achieved through the program to effectively work in the private, corporate or government sector or as an entrepreneur.

4. Associate with profession and society and work with safety, ethical and environmental responsibilities.

Admission and Graduation Requirements

The evaluation of Chemical Engineering students is discussed in individual sections below for both incoming freshman and transfer students.

Study Plan

Chemical Engineering Program Study New Plan & Course Description for the Academic year 1444-1445

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Chemical Engineering Program Study Old Plan & Course Description for the Academic year 1444-1445

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Chemical Engineering Program Study Plan & Course Description for the Academic year 1439-1444

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Chemical Engineering Program Study Plan & Course Description before the Academic year 1439-1440

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Program Strategy
  • Program Goals
Student Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Program Learning Outcomes
  • Student Outcomes
  • Graduate Attributes
  • Program Learning Outcomes
Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map for Bachelor Degree of Chemical Engineering 


Students Enrollment and Graduation Statistics