Academic Advising and Student Affairs Committee

Committee Tasks
  1. Participating in the orientation of new students to help them understand university life.
  2. Providing specialized academic, social, psychological, and career counseling for students with challenges and special needs in the college.
  3. Offering preventive guidance services by identifying and addressing difficulties faced by students.
  4.  Ensuring that students’ academic plans are approved by their academic advisors before electronic registration, providing advice, emotional support, and academic counseling, and looking into ways to help improve their GPA.
  5. Supporting students with low academic performance or those who are struggling through the "We Are With You" program, ensuring their academic progress is monitored and improved.
  6. Reviewing students' excuses for missing classes and midterms and implementing guidance and counseling programs in all aspects (preventive, developmental, and therapeutic).
  7. Studying and following up on cases of students referred by the guidance and counseling center.
  8. Raising awareness among families, the community, and the university about the importance of guidance and counseling through brochures, lectures, and participation in various media outlets (print, visual, and audio).
  9. Providing guidance and counseling to students whose cases need to be referred to disciplinary committees or student affairs committees.
  10. Assisting students in need of financial support by coordinating with internal university bodies such as the Student Fund to provide direct assistance.
  11. Submitting committee minutes, reports, and requests to the department head.