Carbon Emission

Seminar titled "Carbon Emission and Its Control"

Under the Academic scientific activity for mechanical engineering department in Engineering college , organized, a seminar  titled "Carbon Emission and Its Control" for faculty members Dated 23/3/2017 presented by Dr. Vineet Tirth . The following is scientific content summery of the training course: Global warming is a major reason for climate change which is caused mainly by emission of Green House Gases (GHGs). The global warming potential of all GHGs may be calculated in terms of CO2 equivalent using software tools as well as by measurement. To reduce carbon emissions, the approach is either to control it by high efficiency systems, by capturing CO2 and disposing it deep inside the ocean or underground and by neutralizing it using various techniques including Algae Photo Bio-Reactors, by reacting it with hydrogen to form hydrocarbon fuels etc. 