A professional management initiative for remote meetings and events via the Zoom platform


A professional management initiative for remote meetings and events via the Zoom platform

The Deanship of E-Learning intends to present the initiative (Professional Management of Meetings and Events remotely via the Zoom platform) to contribute to achieving the following objectives:

  • Rehabilitation and training of officials and trainers in colleges, deanships and support management in creating, managing and presenting meetings and events with high professionalism through the Zoom platform.
  • Training male and female leaders in the university on using and managing the Zoom platform as speakers.
  • Qualifying and training officials and trainers for various segments of society to establish, manage and present meetings and events with high professionalism, as a community initiative from the university.

Target group:

  • Male and female leaders in the university in all deanships, clusters, and departments.
  • Officials and trainers in colleges, deanships and support departments in establishing, managing and presenting meetings and events.

Mechanism for implementing the initiative:

The first stage:

Rehabilitation and training of officials and trainers in colleges, deanships and support departments.

The second phase:

Training male and female leaders in the university on using and managing the Zoom platform as speakers

Registration form from the following link: https://forms.gle/TmTgkopfyVAKu8Lf8

Or by scanning the following QRcode:

For inquiries and contact via e-mail: mohj@kku.edu.sa